Is Neurofeedback the New Workout for the Brain?

The therapy claims to cure attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, substance abuse, depression and challenges conventional psychiatric treatment


“Had these thoughts zig-zagged across my head repeatedly when I was being monitored by a brain-machine interface at Neuroleap, the change in focus would have shown on a screen.

Neuroleap, run by Kumaar Bagrodia, offers neurofeedback as a standalone therapy which claims to cure Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), substance abuse, eating disorder, depression and several other problems without any side-effects or pills.

Neurofeedback centres abroad – in the U.S. they have been around since the 1980s – too claim to cure these disorders. Theoretically, if a therapy can teach a human brain to curb overeating, it can also make a person lose weight by training his/her brain to eat less.”

Read the full article at FORTUNE INDIA

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