Network of University and College Biofeedback Programs

The Biofeedback Alliance (AAPB, BCIA, ISNR) is interested in developing a network of university and college programs currently using or teaching Bio- and Neurofeedback. The ultimate purpose of the University Initiative is to encourage more university and professional school graduate programs to incorporate courses in clinical/applied psychophysiology and biofeedback into their curricula in order to introduce new people to the field, and encourage their involvement in our professional associations.

At this early stage, the initiative consists merely of gathering information about the scope and sequence of existing curricula, the use of BF or NFB in research, and the application of BF or NFB as adjunctive therapy in the school’s counseling center. Later, it is hoped that such a data base could be useful in creating a forum for sharing best practices, new research, and successful tools.

If you are willing to be added to this national list, please contact Connie Schrader, the point person on this initiative. Her email is . Office phone is 828-232-5652.

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