International Society for Neurofeedback and Research – ISNR

The International Society for Neurofeedback & Research (ISNR) is a membership organization comprised of people from many countries and various professional disciplines doing neurotherapy, neurofeedback training and research. ISNR supports education and excellence in the field of neurofeedback training and neurotherapy and seeks the validation and acceptance of this discipline by a broad spectrum of society.

Both the society and its members gladly cooperate with other like-minded organizations and individuals. Today, neurofeedback, also called EEG biofeedback or EEG operant conditioning, is the most commonly used form of neuronal regulation. It is often used in conjunction with other forms of biofeedback as well as with whatever other professional services its practitioners are additionally qualified and licensed to render such as, psychology, medicine, clinical social work, nursing, education, counseling, etc. Persons who fit within this framework are cordially invited to submit an application for membership.

Quantitative EEG (QEEG) or brain mapping is commonly used to guide the most efficient application of neurofeedback.

The original name of the society from 1995 through 1998 was, Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation, but it was shortened to Society for Neuronal Regulation for simplicity and to better convey the purposes of the organization. The name was changed again in 2002 to International Society for Neuronal Regulation and again in 2006 to International Society for Neurofeedback & Research to better reflect the fact that members of the society now came from all parts of the globe, not just North America and that research is a critical function of the society.

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1 thought on “International Society for Neurofeedback and Research – ISNR”

  1. Hi Noel, I understand that online meeitings
    are complex to organize and I realize it may be the only alternative. Have you considered however that it still may be possible to have a regular meeting at the same hotel in Orlando in either August or September when certainly by then this pandemic may be gone. If you do decide to have an online meeting will our registrations that we have paid for already apply. Also should we cancel our hotel reservation unless you do decide to hold the meeting at the same hotel in the fall or late summer. If you decide to hold the meeting in July I will be unavailable between July 8 and 15th and request therefore if possible to hold it the following week since I realize that you probably would not want it to overlap with July 4. I know this is all very complicated So please keep me posted as plans develop.

    Thank you, and regards,

    Joel Lubar
    Past president


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