“Research indicates that visible abdominal distention in patients with disorders of gut–brain interaction, formerly known as functional gastrointestinal disorders, results from abnormal postural tone of the abdominal walls and content redistribution, without a concurrent increase in intraabdominal content. This mechanism, termed abdominophrenic dyssynergia (APD), has been described in a series of studies that measured the activity of the abdominal walls using abdominothoracic computed tomography imaging and electromyography (EMG) recordings. These studies found that episodes of abdominal distention were associated with a diaphragmatic push (increased tone and descent of the diaphragm), coupled with reduced tone and protrusion of the anterior abdominal wall.
To correct abdominothoracic muscular tone, we developed an original biofeedback technique based on direct monitoring of the activity of the diaphragm and abdominothoracic muscles using EMG. A placebo-controlled trial demonstrated the efficacy of this treatment; however, the technique was technically complex and unpractical. Given the validity of this concept and the limitations of its application, the next step was to develop a simpler biofeedback technique.”
Read the full article at Gasto Journal