Discussion with Dr. Myron Thurber about using HeartMath for depression and chronic pain

Many people today are experiencing depression and chronic pain. We’d like to share with you a special video presentation on how HeartMath® techniques and technology can help.

In this presentation, Dr. Myron Thurber discusses how he uses HeartMath techniques and technologies in a therapeutic setting to help people understand, manage, and reduce depression and chronic pain.

Myron Thurber, Ph.D., PT, LMHC, BCB, BCN, shares his experience of almost 20 years―his insights, case studies, and protocols with his varied patient population.

Dr. Thurber was the instructor for the HeartMath Interventions Certification Program for Health Professionals for 11 years.

He sees a variety of patients with a wide range of conditions and has combined HeartMath techniques and technologies with his family practice working with children, adolescents, and adults.

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