PLEASE NOTE: NeuroRegulation is an OPEN ACCESS publication. No login credentials or site registration is necessary to access the articles.
Digital Addiction: Increased Loneliness, Anxiety, and Depression
Erik Peper and Richard Harvey
DOI: 10.15540/nr.5.1.3
A Neurovisceral Approach to Autism: Targeting Self-Regulation and Core Symptoms Using Neurofeedback and Biofeedback
Matthew Scott Goodman, Nicolette Castro, Mary Sloan, Rita Sharma, Michael Widdowson, Eduardo Herrera, and Jaime A Pineda
DOI: 10.15540/nr.5.1.9
Infra-Low Frequency Neurofeedback in Depression: Three case studies
Vera A. Grin-Yatsenko, Siegfried Othmer, Valery A. Ponomarev, Sergey A. Evdokimov, Yuri Y. Konoplev, and Juri D. Kropotov
DOI: 10.15540/nr.5.1.30
Biofeedback and Anger Management: A Literature Review
Heidi Hillman and Charles Chapman
DOI: 10.15540/nr.5.1.43
NeuroRegulation welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence, and will publish:
-Original articles in basic and applied research
-Case studies
-Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays
-Submissions are being accepted for consideration in the next issue of Volume 5 in 2018, scheduled for publication in June 2018. Deadline: May 18, 2018
Note: Early submissions are strongly encouraged to allow adequate time for the manuscript review process. Also, all submissions must be made only through the journal website.
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Open-Access – means free and open global visibility
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