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emWave Pro Plus

80 % of 100
  • 2 Heart Rate Variability (HRV) assessments
  • Rich interactive games, emotion visualizers
  • Sync session data, track history with HeartCloud
  • Supports unlimited number of clients
Our Part #
HMA 6040
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was $499.00 Special Price $449.10

The emWave Pro Plus comes with all of the features of the emWave Pro with the addition of 2 HRV assessment protocols that can be used for a wide range of applications such as documenting physiological baseline shifts overtime or determining changes in HRV overtime for research studies.

Using a pulse sensor plugged into your USB port, emWavePro collects pulse data and translates coherence information into user–friendly graphics displayed on your computer screen.

emWave Pro helps your clients create a coherent state through coherence techniques, interactive exercises and games, building resilience, increasing energy, and promoting focus, mental clarity and emotional balance.

  • Supports unlimited number of clients
  • Clients using their own emWave or Inner Balance can share selected sessions with you

emWave Pro Plus Assessments

1-Minute HRV Deep Breathing Assessment

Challenges the autonomic nervous system via a guided 1-minute paced deep breathing protocol with a visual breath pacer to determine the maximum amount of vagally mediated (parasympathetic) HRV the clients autonomic nervous system produces. Results of the standardized HRV measures are compared to age-related reference ranges and a report can be printed and saved. HRV collected using this protocol has a good correlation to the gold standard 24-hour assessment of HRV making it ideal for assessing how much overall HRV a person has.

HRV Assessment

HRV assessment provides an analysis of heart rate variability with the most common standardized measures calculated from a user selectable time range between 2-minutes and 99-minutes

HRV Measures

  • Time domain: Mean Heart Rate, Mean Inter Beat Interval (IBI), Mean Heart Rate Range (MHRR), SDNN, RMSSD
  • Frequency domain: Total power, VLF, LF, HF, LF/HF ratio, Normalized Coherence


An online platform that syncs all of your session data, tracks your history and enables sharing. Gives you access to advanced training and much more.


  • 370 Hertz sample rate of the pulse wave
  • Infrared pulse plethysmograph (ppg) ear sensor or optional finger sensor
  • Automatic pulse wave detection and calibration
  • Edit interbeat interval data to eliminate ectopic beats or other sources of artifacts prior to HRV calculation and reporting
  • Save client session history for review and observing changes across time
  • Clients using their own Inner Balance and emWave units can share their session data with you

Users of emWave Pro Plus

  • Therapists and Psychologists
  • Physicians
  • Coaches and mentors
  • Physical therapists
  • Athletes, coaches, trainers
  • Researchers, teachers and students

Note: Use of the emWave® and the HeartMath® exercises contained in the software as tools for individual balance, optimal performance and growth. Although this instrument and exercises are believed to be very safe and have potentially great benefit, no medical benefits or cures are expressed or implied. These programs and exercises are not to be used as, or used in lieu of, any course of medical or psychological treatment. Please note that emWave is designed to be a training and entertainment product. None of the feedback, summary data, or logging data provided in the software is to be interpreted as medically diagnostic.

Article: Science Behind the emWave and Inner Balance Technologies

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  • New stream lined user interface
  • Auto saves every session
  • Replay and review previously recorded sessions easily from the review screen
  • Easily add a title and information to your session
  • Games, Visualizer and Coherence Coach are just one click away
  • Improved export functionality
  • Enhanced Database options
  • Auto updater

How does the ear sensor work?

The sensor uses a minute amount of infrared light to measure the speed of blood flow in the ear. The sensor sends this signal to the emWave Pro USB module where the inter-beat interval is calculated in milliseconds and then heart rate variability is plotted. The amount of infrared light used in the measuring process is extremely small, safe and completely undetectable.

  • Real-Time Heart Rate Variability Monitor (Emvave Pro hardware and software)
  • Four challenge levels to help you raise your baseline coherence levels
  • Coherence Coach® tutorial for learning and applying the Quick Coherence® technique
  • Interactive Games that help you transform stress into creative energy
  • Emotion Visualizer® provides stunning colorful images which vary according to your emotional state and coherence level
  • My Inspiration lets you create a montage of pictures and add your favorite music for practicing coherence
  • Data storage showing coherence levels for session and history review

Manuals and Data Sheets

emWave Pro/Pro Plus Quick Start Guide

emWave Pro Tour

System Requirements


  • OS X v 10.7 Lion or newer
  • Some features may not be available on older operating systems
  • Recommend Coreâ„¢2 Duo at 1.8GHz or faster processor
  • One available USB Port
  • Internet connectivity required for HeartCloud access


  • Windows 7 or newer Operating System
  • Some features may not be available on older operating systems
  • 2.0 GHz or faster processor
  • 2 GB RAM —recommended 4GB or more
  • One available USB Port
  • Internet connectivity required for HeartCloud access


1 Year manufacturer warranty.