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INTRODUCINGRENTALS Affordable professional biofeedback & neurofeedback equipment solutions

Low Up-Front Cost Save thousands up-front by renting equipment instead of making a large hardware purchase commitment.
Systems Guaranteed Guaranteed to be working perfect from day one. If anything ever happens, we get you a new unit quick!
Less Commitment No need to resell equipment when the client is finished with treatment. Just return it and you're done!

Thinking about adding biofeedback or neurofeedback to your practice?

Add neuro or biofeedback to your practice without the high entry cost


Typically, entry cost for a neurofeedback or biofeedback system is around $2,000. For as little as $350 down you can get started down the path of offering new services and increasing your client success rates.

It often makes more sense for your client to rent equipment instead of buy.

Offer your clients a low cost hardware solution for home training


By providing low-cost options for clients interested in home training, you can expand your client base. Home training makes it easy to expand your geographical reach as well.

Let us worry about the equipment after you're done using it.

No need to commit to an expensive system purchase


Rent for a fraction of the cost of purchasing a new neurofeedback or biofeedback system. Avoid the hassle of reselling your equipment. When you’re done with treatment, just send it back!

Available Rental Systems
Call 800-521-4640 or email for more information, or to set up a system rental today
Thought Tech ProComp2 1-Channel EEG System
1-Channel EEG System Rental
  • Thought Tech ProComp 2 Encoder
  • EEG Electrodes
  • EEG Suite & BioGraph Infiniti Software
  • EEG Placement Cap

The ProComp2 (T7400C) is a compact yet powerful 2 channel biofeedback / neurofeedback system. You can monitor and record simultaneously using the BioGraph Infiniti software.

$199 Per Month 4 Month Minimum
Thought Tech ProComp2 2-Channel EEG System
2-Channel EEG System Rental
  • Thought Tech ProComp 2 Encoder
  • EEG-Z Sensor & Electrodes
  • EEG Suite & BioGraph Infiniti Software
  • EEG Placement Cap

The compact ProComp2 biofeedback / neurofeedback system with an EEG-Z sensor included. You can monitor and record simultaneously using the v6.0 BioGraph Infiniti software.

$239 Per Month 4 Month Minimum
Thought Tech ProComp2 HRV System
HRV System Rental
  • Thought Tech ProComp 2 Encoder
  • BVP & Respiration
  • HRV Suite Software
  • Biograph Infiniti Software

Comprehensive Heart Rate Variability system designed to be easy to use. With the HRV suite, you can perform a basic HRV assessment, run biofeedback sessions and teach your client deep relaxation skills with paced breathing exercises.

$239 Per Month 4 Month Minimum
BrainMaster Atlantis II EEG System
BrainMaster EEG System Rental
  • BrainMaster Atlantis II 2x2 Encoder
  • EEG Electrodes
  • BrainAvatar 4.0 Software
  • EEG Placement Cap

ATLANTIS II is a 2×2 design, with two channels of EEG and two channels of AUX signals for additional biofeedback modalities. Includes continuous real-time impedance checking and recording; Total Immersion with photic, vibratory and auditory feedback.

$239 Per Month4 Month Minimum

Contact us for more information, or to start renting today.
800-521-4640 M-F 9am-5pm EST