Dynamic Bi-Spectral Analysis for NeuroGuide [BS]

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Dynamic Bi-Spectral Analysis for NeuroGuide offers two categories of bi-spectral analysis.

First is the spectral analysis of the time series of instantaneous absolute power, relative power, coherence, phase differences, amplitude asymmetry and phase reset (1st derivative of straightened phase). The first spectrum is the Hilbert transform of the EEG microvolt time series x(t) using complex demodulation to produce a new time series x'(t) of instantaneous power and magnitude and coherence and phase. The new time series is defined within frequency bands at specific center frequencies. The Bi-Spectrum is the Fourier transform of the Hilbert transformed time series from each electrode at each time point [(x'(t); y'(t) ..... n'(t)] to produce the instantaneous time series bi-spectrum.

The second is the Cross-Frequency Bi-Spectrum which includes the cross-frequency power correlation (1 Hz to 50 Hz) and the Cross-Frequency Phase Shift Duration and the Cross-Frequency Phase Lock Duration.

Requires: NeuroGuide