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LORETA Coherence and Phase Differences for NeuroGuide [LCP]

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LORETA (Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography) Coherence and Phase Normative Database (2 months to 82 years) for NeuroGuide

LORETA coherence and phase differences were computed by using cross-spectral analysis of Hilbert transforms of the current sources from the center voxels of each of 44 Brodmann areas in the left and right hemisphere in eight different frequency bands.

The frequency bands were: delta 1-4 Hz; theta 4-7 Hz; alpha-1 8-10 Hz; alpha-2 10-12 Hz; beta-1 12-15 Hz; beta-2 15-18 Hz; beta-3 18-25 Hz; gamma or hi-beta 25-30 Hz

Requires: NeuroGuide

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