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Sleep Onset Insomnia Suite for Procomp Infiniti

  • Help clients with difficulties falling asleep
  • EEG training for quieting the mind
  • Facial and shoulder muscle relaxation training
  • For Procomp Infiniti
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Sleep Onset Insomnia Suite for the Biograph Infiniti software.

This suite is designed for helping clients with difficulties falling asleep at the beginning of the night. The training is split into two different protocols: - facial and shoulder muscle relaxation (uses 3 MyoScan-Pro sensors, with optional additional respiration, temperature, skin conductance, and BVP sensor);

EEG training for quieting the mind (uses EEG-Z sensor with 2 MyoScan-Pro sensors). The software is currently designed for use with the ProComp Infiniti encoder. The software manual includes descriptions for all necessary steps of the hook-up and recording process, along with sensor application (physiology & EEG), how to navigate the software to initiate the desired recording session, performing an impedance check, procedure for training clients and reviewing their data.

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Sleep Onset Insomnia Suite Channel Set

  • 1A MyoScan-Pro 400
  • 1B MyoScan-Pro 400
  • 1C MyoScan-Pro 400
  • 1D EEG-Z
  • 1E SC-Pro/Flex
  • 1F Temp-Pro/Flex
  • 1G HR/BVP-Pro/Flex
  • 1H Resp-Pro/Flex