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DIN EKG/EMG/EEG Snap Leads - 24 inch

  • 1.5mm DIN connectors with snap-style receptacles
  • Santoprene strain-reliefs extend cable life
  • 3 leads. AHA/AAMI. Black, red, white
  • Orders over 25 units may take 2-3 weeks to manufacture
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  • Buy 10 for $23.75 each and save 5%
  • Buy 25 for $22.50 each and save 10%
  • Buy 50 for $20.00 each and save 20%
  • Buy 100 for $17.50 each and save 30%

EMG/EEG/ECG leads, features MedSafe 1.5mm (.060) DIN connectors with snap style receptacles. 24 inch length leads, 3 per package. Yellow, black and blue in color.

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Color Coding

Color coding indicates the part of the body where leads are attached. AHA/ AAMI (American Hospital Association/Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation) is used in the U.S., while IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is used in Europe and other parts of the world.

The table below shows the color coding standards for both AHA/AAMI and the IEC standards.

Left Arm Black - LA Yellow - L
Right Arm White - RA Red - R
Left Leg Red - LL Green - F
Right Leg Green - RL Black - N
Chest Brown - C White - C
Chest position V4 Blue - V4
Chest position V5 Orange - V5

AHA/AAMI and the IEC Cables sets we offer

Set Type 1 2 3 4 5 Length Part #
3 Leads IEC R F L 40 Inch BMI TDE209
3 Leads AHA/AAMI RA LL LA 24 Inch BMI TDE205
3 Leads AHA/AAMI RA LL LA 40 Inch BMI TDE208
3 Leads AHA/AAMI RA LL LA 60 Inch BMI TDE211
5 Leads AHA/AAMI RA LL LA RL C 24 Inch BMI TDE204
5 Leads AHA/AAMI RA LL LA RL C 40 Inch BMI TDE210
5 Leads AHA/AAMI RA LL LA RL C 60 Inch BMI TDE213

If you would like a custom cable kit or other lengths please contact us.

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